China’s Toothless Micron Ban

A couple months ago, China announced that it had placed Boise, Idaho based memory chip maker Micron Technology (NYSE: MU) under review for national security reasons. Of course China wants to imply that the U.S. chips can pose some kind of risk, like the U.S. government hacking cell phones made in China with Micron chips and stealing sensitive data

The Truth About Rare Earths

The notion that China is somehow in the driver’s seat is laughable. China’s position in the economic warfare vehicle is more like a grungy teenager on a skateboard clinging to the bumper: it’s only along for the ride, and if things get bumpy, it will end up with a face full of asphalt.

More China Selling

Right now, we’ve got American owned shell companies funneling U.S. tech to Russia to build the bombs that rain down on Ukraine. Tankers brimming with Russian oil are welcome in India and Turkey. Income mutual funds feast on that 8% Altria dividend that’s driven in part by cigarette and Juul vaping sales. Two-thirds of Americans favor a waiting period for gun purchases that only 9 states’ lawmakers have approved. Walmart (NYSE: WMT) agreed to pay a $3 billion fine for dealing opioids…

China Fights Back

A response was inevitable. China couldn’t be expected to just stand by while its economy took a punishing bodyblow. It had to counterpunch. I’m a little surprised that it took almost five months. But China has made a move to solidify the position of EV makers and battery makers in its home market…

EVs, China, and The Fed

I recommended electric truck maker Rivian (NASDAQ: RIVN) back in early January, shares were trading $16.50 to $17.50. Rivian has four things going for it: good truck, plenty of cash, long-term deal with Amazon and an expected 200% jump on revenue for fiscal 2023.

The Case for Nutrien (NYSE: NTR)

The combination of Putin’s war machine ravaging the civilian population of Ukraine, COVID-related disruptions to supply chains and the near total breakdown of U.S. – China relations has broken the globalized economy.

WWWD? (What would Warren Do?)

We’ve talked a lot about the rising tensions between the U.S. and China. That spy balloon floating across the continental United States certainly didn’t help smooth any of the animosity between the two countries…

Chinese Balloons and Philippine Military Bases

Almost a year ago, Russian president Vladimir Putin officially broke the globalized world economy when he decided to unleash hell on his neighbor, Ukraine. Now it’s true, the fault lines of the quid pro quo economic system politely called globalization were laid bare by the COVID pandemic and the breakdown of the supply chain between the U.S. and China.

The Strong Arm of U.S. Chip Rules

If you aren’t aware of the Biden administration’s actions regarding China’s semiconductor industry, it’s pretty simple: American companies have been banned from selling advanced semiconductors to China. The ban also covers the equipment needed to make and test semiconductors.

Ford’s Big Mistake

Iconic American carmaker Ford just made a big mistake. In an effort to get around supply constraints for nickel and cobalt for electric car batteries, Ford decided to use lithium iron phosphate batteries for all of its electric F-150 Lightning trucks.