Sucker’s Rally?

I guess it’s not a huge surprise that stocks have been trading a bit lower this week. It should never be surprising to see stocks sell off some after they make a nice move higher, like what we saw last week.

Today’s Trading Plan

So. I bought some (NASDAQ: AI) call options right before the close on Friday. Usually, my trading strategy allows for some time for me to let you know what I’m doing…

Tomorrow’s Trading Plan

Back on January 4 and January 7, I was looking at the potential for the stock market to put together a decent rally. Well here we are on January 16 and stocks have been acting downright frisky.

Office Parties and Market Trends

I’ve been to enough holiday office parties to know the risks. The last couple months of any year is crunch-time for most businesses. Stress builds. And minds wander to gift shopping, travel planning, teenage kids cramming final exams while grade school kids prep for holiday concerts – distractions that feed the stressful frenzy…

Rally Time?

Well, here we are: 2023. With nearly 2 whole trading days completed for the new year, I thought *now* would be a good time to take a look at the recent action and make some sweeping generalizations about how stocks will trade over the next 12 months.